Ms. Carol Yuen


Carol has rich experience in providing speech therapy services in elderly residential care homes, elderly daycare centres, local hospitals, long-term care homes and nursing homes for people with severe disability. She is also a member of the multi-disciplinary outreach support teams for the elderly. Carol is now serving as a clinical instructor in the Master of Speech Therapy program at the Education University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As well as providing speech, language, voice, swallowing assessment and treatment to people in need.


  • Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health HKSAR 
  • Member of Register of Speech Therapists of The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) 
  • Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
  • Master of Speech Therapy – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Fu Tak Iam Foundation Scholarship(Speech Therapy)


  • Orofacial Myologist
  • Certified Beckman Oral Motor Therapist
  • Certified NMES provider of The Biber Protocol for the Rehabilitation of Dysphagia
  • Certified Myofascial Release provider in dysphagia and voice disorder management
  • Certified Dysphagia Disorder Survey (DDS) user
  • Qualified VitalStim Therapy provider for dysphagia
  • Qualified The Main Concept Analysis for Oral Discourse Production (MCA) user